Sunday, April 20, 2008

On Salvation

I recognise that those people who follow this blog may differ in understanding of the various elements of this Christian faith. The basis of it all is this thing we call salvation. The idea of redemption, re-connection with our Father, and possessing eternal life. Allow me to explain with a bit of history.

We believe that at one point nothing existed but God. He created the earth, the stars, creatures and plants, humans, laws of physics and motion, everything from the greatest galaxies to the smallest sub-atomic particles.

All of this He created for us, humans. He, in essence, leased this world and everything in it to the first man and woman (Adam and Eve). He created people as essentially good, just as He is, and commissioned them to care for the earth and each other.

However he also gave them a free will, and limited himself from any form of control. Just as the owner of a property retains the deed, but cannot control the lives of those he leases to, so these first humans had the right to do as they pleased on the earth.

At this point, the enemy of all humans, a spiritual being known as satan, tricked Adam and Eve into committing the first sin, causing what we refer to as the "fall of man". This means that as humans we are in bondage to sin.

We are still stamped with the mark of God, which is that part of us that will go out of our way to help another human being, but no matter how pure our motives or intentions, or how good we perceive ourself to be, all of us are bound by sin. It causes us to tell a lie when we are scared. To put down someone else so that we can advance.

This element of humanity is what causes the world's problems. It is why any utopian proposal is a naive dream, bound for failure. Because humans will look after themselves more than others. Sin corrupts both our thoughts and actions. Every single human is guilty of it.

In the Bible it is recorded that after death our souls will face God for judgment. If we were innocent, we could continue in eternal life with our Father. However
because God is just and good He cannot ignore that humanity is now corrupted, and must pass a guilty verdict. Sentencing humanity to a place of death, without any trace of goodness or light, a place we refer to as "Hell".

But God, our father, loved us. Not as "Humanity" the collective, but you and I as individuals. Even though God could not ignore the sin that coats us, He could see through it to His beautiful sons and daughters. Those souls throughout history that longed to be free from bondage and reconciled to God. However the universal law of cause and effect was in place. The debt had to be paid.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. So that whoever believes in Him with their whole heart will not perish (be pronounced guilty), but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

God, the supreme Deity, humbled Himself. He came to earth as a human, Jesus Christ. A helpless baby born in a humiliating place - an animal's feed trough. He grew up in the most despised place (Nazareth) of an occupied land (Judea) with the simple profession of a Carpenter. He associated with people deemed untouchable and despised by society. Lepers, drunks, prostitutes and tax farmers. As a final act of humiliation He allowed humans, His own creation, to execute Him as a criminal. Even the method of execution, crucifixion, was seen in that society as carrying a curse. Throughout all of this He never sinned.
Through this great act, Jesus Christ paid the price for us all. When He died he took captive the captivity of sin, so that we could be free. Because of His grace and mercy He now offers freedom and redemption to every human, regardless of their past, as a free gift. Salvation is simply the act of accepting that gift. When we stand before judgment God will see that our sin, no matter how bad it is, has already been paid for.

Accepting this gift is simple. To accept it, you must reject the sin that is in you and fully trust in, rely on and adhere to Jesus Christ. If you do this, your heart, mind and soul will be changed. You will no longer desire the things you used to want, but you will begin to desire the things that God wants. Out of love and respect for the one that set you free you will begin to do the things He has commissioned all of us to do. Loving other humans. Sacrificing our own needs for those of others. It will change the rest of your life in an amazing way.

If you would like to accept this gift now, there is no ritual to perform. Don't wait for something special. Just talk to God right now, where you are. Tell Him you don't like that sinful part of yourself that causes you to do wrong, and that you want freedom. Tell Him you want to experience His love. Tell Him you want to live forever with Him. Offer Him your life, and He will show you what real life is all about!

If you did this, welcome to the family! I would love it if you contacted me, or commented on this article. This is the start of a long and wonderful journey.

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